This year, in the tradition of the French, I am going to make a wish or two {a
voeu} instead of the usual stringent resolutions I have made...and often years past. Doesn't it just seem more romantic and less puritan to send a wish out into the universe, rather than setting yourself up for punishment when you fail? Author Debra Ollivier says:
a wish is a mutable thing that can be blown away by the wind. A wish is like a cloud that might drift your way but cannot be forced to do so. It is langurous and fanciful and who knows where it will end up. A resolution, on the other hand, is a firm, concise obligation. It's a contract between you and your conscious that is deep-fried in moral values. A resolution has edges and they will menace you forever if you don't pay attention to them. A resolution, in short, can become one of those deadly virtues if it conspires too radically against the Gods of Pleasure."
This year, despite loads of work and obligations, I wish for the "Gods of Pleasure" to stay front and center in my life...good food, good drink, good books, good love, good adventures, good growth, good living.
** Happy New Year,
Mes Amies!!! May pleasure visit you often this year...