I came across this strange/adorable image over at Glorious Nonsense and just had to re-post it for you. Apparently those weird hybrid photoshop images of the "ideal" celebrity parts melded together is nothing new {you know, Angelina's lips, Beyonce's booty, and Jennifer's hair smooshed into one freakish hybrid celebrity}. Click the image for a larger view...
Speaking of "ideal," do you ever imagine what your ideal weekend would look like? Or, maybe all of your weekends are ideal {if so, lucky you!}. I am compiling a list of all the things my ideal weekend would entail, and I am going to try and make this happen...soon! My perfect weekend would include:
- An orgasmically delicious meal from a fabulous restaurant.
- A surprise bunch of pink peonies from my boyfriend.
- Spending time with friends and my sisters {this must include lots of laughing and good wine}.
- Shopping fortune: this entails finding an unexpected good deal on something I have been wanting {a fancy coffee maker, an art book, or a velvet dress would be good!}
- Giving someone I love an unexpected gift and seeing them smile.
- A lazy afternoon nap.
- Dancing!
What about you? What would your ideal weekend include? You should work on making it happen, too!