A detailed, color-illustrated packing list?? If I could draw worth a damn, I'm pretty sure this is the direction my obsessive list-making habit would be headed. For all of us who who understand the cathartic and relaxing effects of a good list, the new exhibit entitled"
To Do" at The Archives of American Art in Washington is a revelation! Apparently we are in good company: Picasso is just one among a number of artists who were avid list-makers. Dare I say list-mania is a sign of brilliance? Despite the fact that some psychologists believe list-making is an illusory and pointless attempt to control our chaotic lives, I prefer to believe the words of the American abstract artist, Charles Green Shaw: "Real happiness consists in not what we actually accomplish, but what we think we accomplish {
via}." I
think I can accomplish a lot! Just let me live in this illusion for a while...