Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weekend Links

I'm posting this a bit early, because as you read this, I am probably already in Eureka Springs on my little getaway {maybe if you're lucky I will have some ghost photos to share!}. When I return, the rest of my weekend will be spent catching up on the research and writing that I won't get done while I'm away having fun...that's always how it works, isn't it?? I also plan to start back on my exercise regime this weekend. Unfortunately my horrible cold prevented me from doing much over the past two weeks, and I feel terribly lazy now! It all seems much more difficult in the winter months -- do you have any suggestions for winter workouts? I really hate to be outside in the cold!! Well, here's to a snuggly weekend indoors {if you happen to be in the western hemisphere}...and some links to browse:

::Book Lovers Never Go to Bed Alone showcases the book collections and displays of real people -- submit your own!

::A new book to commemorate the re-opening of Deyrolle...and an update on the renovations of this historical cabinet of wonders in Paris {which suffered from a tragic fire in 2008}.

::If you're an Okie, here are some local projects worth knowing about: get the low-down on Tulsa's stunning array of mid-century modern architecture at Modern Tulsa; check out this local sweets-maker's quest {from Antoinette's Bakery Co.} to make a different Macaron every week at The Velvet Macaron; and get to know local design talent Tony Li of the Tony Li Project.

::Two gorgeous new design blogs worth checking out: Style/Swoon and Indecorous Taste.

::Find the winter hat of your dreams at Artikal.

::I'm obsessed with British chanteuse Florence and the Machine right now -- check out two of her videos here and here!

Have a fantastic weekend, my pretty peaches!!