Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Giveaway: 2010 Shoes Wall Calendar by Jen Hewitt

I was going to wait until the beginning of December for this giveaway, but I'm just so excited about it {and I'm already feeling the holiday spirit}, so I'm going to announce it now. This contest features an adorable, original silkscreened calendar by printmaker Jen Hewitt, featuring what else! It's definitely a classier alternative to that calendar you received last year with kittens in a red wagon...just sayin'!

Here are the rules:

  1. In the "comments" section of this post, tell me about a holiday tradition you share with family {or friends}. It can be quirky and unique, it can be something particular to your country or home town, or it can just be simple and clever. Whatever it is, I want to know! Also, provide me with your e-mail address, so I can contact you if you win.
  2. The contest ends in one week from today {Monday, Nov. 30} at midnight.
  3. I will pick my favorite comment, and the contest winner will be announced on December 1st.

::If you're curious about Jen Hewitt's prints, check out her Etsy shop here.

*I look forward to reading your comments!

Cheers, Tara
