Thursday, August 20, 2009

Music Mixes

{Image via FFFound}

My boyfriend made me the most adorable music mix this week for my birthday -- a compilation of songs that reminds him of us! I honestly think that mixes are one of the most personal, thoughtful, and budget-conscious gifts to give or receive...

He included one of our mutually-beloved songs: "Femme Fatale" by The Velvet Underground {featuring the magnificent Nico}. We love to sing this song together while he plays the guitar. We can never get through the song without cracking up. I attempt to sing in Nico's deep, melancholic voice, and he tries to do back-up vocals like a drugged-out Lou Reed.

Do you still adore music mixes as much as me?? Here is a great tutorial on the art of making music mixes, based on the music-snob novel High Fidelity.