Friday, August 28, 2009

Weekend Links

{via Shannon Fricke}

I've really been thinking lately about how I don't want to do any "work" on the weekends -- is that such an insane concept? I always feel pressured to be productive throughout the entire week, but isn't the weekend the time we're supposed to set aside work for a bit and just enjoy living? Maybe that's an unrealistic expectation at this point in my life. Do you work through the weekends?

I definitely think I'm going to do some shopping this weekend! It has been a while, and I want to buy a few things to spruce up my house, like this lovely coverlet from U.O. I also want to check out this book about civility I saw on Oprah yesterday. What's on your agenda for Fri/Sat/Sun??

**Here are some fun links for you to browse:

::Shannon Fricke's lovely interior design/decor blog has me hooked! I think she loves turquoise-blue as much as me...

::Coulson McLeod Limited Edition Art Prints has some limited-edition prints that I dig, particularly this Velvet Underground-inspired one.

::Check out The Frock for the most amazing vintage clothes you have ever set your eyes {or your wallet} upon.

::A Gothic Gym on Nubby Twiglet actually changed my mind about gyms being a potentially cool place to spend time.

::The Hubble Telescope 3-D of the universe is just too awe-inspiring for words.

::These gorgeous hats from Modern Millinery have exquisite little details that make them really stand out.

::Bakery has excellent business and networking tips for artists and bloggers, and it is written in an approachable and accessible style.
