Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Weekend Links

Yay, Weekend!

I have butterflies in my stomach right now, because I am hosting this month's round of wine-tasting at my place...I am going to try and cook something yummy, but I'm a bit nervous about my culinary skills! I cook fairly regularly and I consider myself to be competent in the kitchen, but I've never really cooked for anyone other than my boyfriend and myself. I think I am cooking-shy. Our theme this time is Latin America, so along with the usual cheese/meat/fruit platter, I will attempt making these black-bean-and-banana empanadas and these spicy pumpkin seeds. Wish me luck!

Here are some fantastic links for you to browse at your lazy-weekend-leisure:

::Historical hair satires on BibliOdyssey -- makes me partially reconsider my obsession with giant coiffures.

::I don't even have an iphone, but a new app that picks out outfits for you based on mood, weather, and body shape kinda makes me want one ASAP! Check out Lil' Bees post on the new Feather Report app from Apple.

::A gorgeous old Dominican church is converted into a bookstore. Can you say dream-destination?

::The Hidden Seed reminds us of the importance of self-esteem and being happy with who we are!

::Who What Wear channels "Return to OZ!!!" This blog just keeps getting better and better...

::Betty and The Cherry Blossom Girl were asked to be web-ambassadors for the new Chanel Cocoon line...and they both show off their new Chanel Bowling bags {to make us green with envy!}.