Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend Links

{Beyond Limits features giant works of sculpture...all up for auction at Sotheby's for giant amounts of money!}

What are your weekend plans, my pretty peaches?? I feel as if I could sleep for 48 hours straight. The rain here has been incessant, and it is putting me in hibernation mode. Truly, I hope to get something fun/productive accomplished in lieu of my sleepiness. Tonight my boyfriend and I will try to catch a movie {maybe Zombieland?}. Tomorrow I am going to the Brady Heights neighborhood garage sale {if you are in the Tulsa area, come check it out!}. Brady Heights is one of the oldest neighborhoods in Tulsa, and my parents are lucky enough to live in a lovely old house there! I have a feeling they will have the best stuff at the sale ;)

Here are some of my favorite links of the week...enjoy!

::Morbid Anatomy blog is downright fascinating [and slightly disturbing].

::Gorgeous cuffs by the Glamourai -- I want!

::A beautiful, heartfelt reminder of why we do this crazy blog thing at On Dressing Up.

::Refinery 29 gives the low-down on some of the most exciting trends from NY Fashion week.

::An upcoming film about Charles Darwin's life and work {though apparently it will not be released in the U.S. because it is too controversial}.

::Yes and Yes asks: why can't women's mags can't be funny, too?

::Sotheby's "Beyond Limits" auction features breath-taking, monumental works of sculpture, all displayed on the grounds of a palatial manor in the English countryside.